
We have now expanded our services to offering accredited learnerships. Select a trusted strategic partner who can manage the skills development process for you end-to-end.

Accredited Learnerships

A Learnership is a vocational education and training programme that links structured learning and work experience in order to obtain a registered qualification. It combines theory and workplace practice into a qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Learnerships assist in building an effective workforce, develop skills and provide opportunities to groom unemployed people for potential recruitment within your organisation. Learnerships are practical with on-the-job training and mentoring. Under the guidance of an experienced and qualified mentor, candidates learn the demands of an occupation in real-time. Learnerships are outcomes-based so a learner’s success will be dependent on whether he/she can practically apply the knowledge and skills learned. Assessments are conducted throughout the process and all candidates are assessed against occupational standards that have been agreed upon by industry stakeholders. We are committed to developing people with the competencies required to enhance their careers and become instrumental participants in sustaining the company’s competitive advantage. We have a young, dedicated, and dynamic team that thrives on learning technology. We engage and empower modern learners, with solutions delivered in the moment of need, on any device, using the most appropriate learning approach!

1. eLearning Specialisation Learnership

We are offering an eLearning specialisation Learnership to build a pipeline of eLearning Designers for your organisation.
This Learnership programme covers the National Certificate: Systems Development NQF L5 and eLearning specialisation curriculum. Learners will be hosted at New Leaf Technologies for on-the-job workplace experience for 9 months and will enter the employer’s workplace for the last 3 months of the programme.


2. Employer Hosted Learnerships

We are offering learnerships for unemployed youth to be hosted at employers for workplace experience. We have qualifications under various SETA’s, see below information:

Employer Hosted Learnerships

Our Learnership solutions division offers additional value-added services:

  • Recruitment and vetting of learners
  • Criminal record checks
  • Work-Readiness workshop
  • Personality Star assessment
  • SETA liaison and completion of Learnership Agreements
  • Registration of learners with SETA
  • Customisation of Learnership Modules
  • Hosting
  • Facilitation by qualified and accredited facilitators and assessors
  • State-of-the-art LXP Platform that accommodates end-to-end experiences for a range of user types including a learner, a facilitator, and both Internal and External Seta moderators with POEs also being managed within the system
  • Management and Project Management Support
  • Ongoing support and feedback to the learner, mentor, and client
  • Certification of learners once internal moderation is upheld.
  • Graduation

Employee tax incentive benefits of the learnership

The ETI is an incentive aimed at encouraging employers to hire young work seekers. It was implemented with eff­ect from 1 January 2014. Millions of young South Africans are excluded from participating in economic activity, and as a result su­ffer disproportionately from unemployment, discouragement and economic marginalisation. High youth unemployment means young people are not gaining the skills or experience needed to drive the economy forward. This lack of skills can have long-term adverse e­ffects on the economy.

In South Africa, the current lack of skills and experience as well as perceptions regarding the restrictiveness of labour regulations make some prospective employers reluctant to hire the youth. As a South African employer, you now have a great opportunity to boost the employment of young work seekers.

Companies are encouraged to double their existing BBBEE training budgets from 3% to 6% of payroll, of which 2.5% should be towards bursaries. Skills Development is now a priority element with a 25-point weighting. Including 5 bonus points. To avoid dropping a level in BEE status a company must achieve a minimum of 40% or 8 points of the target set out in the skills development scorecard excluding bonus points. 5% of Black individuals including unemployed individuals on Learnerships.

Benefits of the learnership

  • Increase your BBBEE scores
  • Learnerships provide an effective means of obtaining the maximum number of skills development points on your BBBEE scorecard.
  • Claim back on your skills development spend
  • Every year, there is the opportunity to recover discretionary grants for implementing Learnerships from your Skills Development Levies paid to SARS.
  • Grow your people in line with your business strategy
  • Learnerships can help your employees leapfrog insufficient qualifications and a lack of experience, leading to positive strategic outcomes.
  • Develop a strong talent pipeline
  • Learnerships are an effective strategy to ensure that your business is empowered by a relevant skills base over the long term.
  • Invest in the future of the economy
  • Aff­ect lasting change by helping previously disadvantaged individuals get a step closer to gaining the skills and experience needed to drive the economy forward.


Our passion is to tailor a programme that would specifically suit your business needs and objectives - let’s connect to discuss your unique requirements.

*NC: National Certificate *FETC: Further Education and Training Certificate