The mining sector is defined by its ability to adapt to and align with, changing economic and political circumstances. As the sector steps out from behind the complexities of 2020, new challenges – largely in skills and expertise – need to be addressed to ensure sustainable success.
The Global Risk Barometer 2022 found that the skills shortage sat in the top ten risks South Africa currently faces. This shortage is not only limited to C-suite talent but includes practical skills such as artisans- the lifeblood of the mining sector.
Mining is in dire need of talent across the board and overcoming this requires investing in skills development which:
- Connects with the surrounding community.
- Upskills existing employees.
- Directs training at the unemployed within their communities.
- Uses cost-effective technology which is accessible and relevant.
One industry leader launched a talent development and compliance training solution in collaboration with aNewSpring Learning Management System (LMS). The company invested in creating a cohesive and integrated blended learning knowledge platform which prioritises upskilling their existing workforce, as well as their local community. The goal of their community-focused strategy was to improve the lives of people living within their host areas.
Their talent development and compliance training platform that is:
- Agile and accessible.
- Online therefor able to support more business than face-to-face training.
- Able to allow participants to work through the material at their own pace.
- Able to provide skills which were not previously available.
- Able to apply and update best practice learning techniques.
The pilot has already been made availability to 50 small to medium enterprises from two different communities in SA and is constantly adjusted to suit the learning journeys that will facilitate relevant skills development.
Technology fast-tracks development in an innovative way which plugs skill leaks from within the organisation. This puts control back into the sector, giving organisations the ability to meet employees’ needs in an exhilarating foundation. Instead of the great resignation, companies can create the great education. Investing in talent gives companies the ability to realise their full human capital potential.